It's Been A While
About two years ago, I asked my friend Ryan Kirkpatrick if he'd want to help with the music for a game Idea I was passionate about. We shared Ideas and started work on what would eventually become BeatQuest Heroes.
If you've ever played tap tap revenge, this game is similar to that only it's also an RPG. Instead of just playing a song, you're fighting monsters and dragons, Hitting attack and defense notes, and casting spells based on how long your streak is. You can learn enchanting and alchemy making your character stronger while finding new and more powerful items.
I have learned so much about game dev in these last two years. Much of the game has changed. So much art had to be redone, and music remade. Different multiplayer prototypes went from looking great to barely functional but after working through many different solutions, we finally got multiplayer fully functional. That means that you and two friends can team up to fight monsters, clear the arena, and go through raids in the attempt of finding some legendary loot!

What's Next?
As I develop more and more games, I have learned more and more about online database centered games. I would like to explore this more with my next upcoming game. I don't want to say too much about it right now just because I don't know how much will be in the actual release. I will say it's a rhythm game with online multiplayer. Big thanks to Ryan Kirkpatrick who is working on all the music for the game. I will keep you update through these posts as I continue to work on it. I am very excited for this project and I hope everyone will enjoy it!

Making A Game in 24 Hours
So I decided to make a game in a day. Well, the actual 'game-making' only took me 13.5 hours. You can find the timelapse here...
I looked at a bunch of games people made for Ludum Dare, which if you didn't know, is a challenge where you have to make a game from scratch in 48 hours. The games were crazy good and got me thinking if I could do that or not. I created some graphics to use and planned to create my game in less than 24 hours. It was fun, but frustrating when things didn't work the way I wanted and I knew I had to get it done. Sacrifices were made, google and stackoverflow became great friends of mine. Please check out the result! It is a fun time-killing game called Shield Breaker... or Shield Break if you're on an iPhone. (Shield Breaker was taken).

Making A Website
Making a website was actually a longer process than you'd think. I looked into websites like WIX and Squarespace that help you build a website but I wanted more control over it. I dived into learning HTML and CSS from Udemy.com. Over a couple months I learned how to create basic static websites like this one...
After that, I got more into learning about databases and content management systems like the ones you see with WordPress. After learning a bit more from Udemy, I created my own website here. I hope you enjoy it! Theres more content to come!

Topple The Tower
Topple The Tower is my first attempt at any kind of multiplayer. The gameplay is relatively simple which made it easy to work with. It is also the first game I ever release using the Unity Engine. I had a lot of fun making this one and learn much in terms of online play. I tried to break away from the Dungeon Knights aesthetic with clean cut graphics and animation. Overall I think it looks pretty good and is fun game to kill a couple hours with. Hopefully what I learned from making this game will carry over to bigger and better ones!

My First Game
I made Dungeon Knights a little over a year ago now. I created it using gamemaker studio. To be honest, I didn't have much experience going into it. I remember taking a game design class in college where I asked the professor if I could use the game design lab to work on my game outside of class. The game design lab had all the software for animation, sound, and gamemaker studio. My professor then tells me to just use my own computer. Though, I was told to use my own computer that wasn't capable of running gamemaker. Either way, I started to learn how to code outside of class and saved up enough to buy a new computer. It took about five months to develop this game. Keep in mind I had little coding experience before this, so every hurdle took a bit longer than I'd like. Despite some negative reviews, I am very proud of this game and hope you enjoy playing it!.